Sunday, July 20, 2008


We just returned from Cape San Blas, Florida and it was wonderful! We've not had a week long beach vacation for a couple of years and it was a very much needed gift. The time was spent doing absolutely nothing other than relaxing around the pool, on the beach, playing games, etc. We had no schedules, nothing to dress-up for, no stress . . . ahhh! Caroline became a little fish with froggy water-wings. She got to hold a crab, swim "by myself in the ocean" and she's still trying to figure out why we can't go potty anywhere but the toilet "or in the ocean" =) Oh, come on, you know you do it too =) I'll be adding some pix over the next couple of days below. Art got his usual over-fill of games and I had to remind myself that I wasn't the only cook in the house (I know, I'm weird that way, I just really enjoy preparing meals and "fixin'" in the kitchen). Anyway, when our last day arrived I could not believe that the time was gone. Usually, by the last day I'm weary and ready to be home, but not this time.

I had several encounters with the Lord during the week, some extremely convicting and some which haunted me for several hours or even a couple of days. His presence was so real to me in a strange new way. I didn't have to manufacture it or force myself into a mode to recognize his voice, he was just ever present. I'm sure the family at times thought I was either upset or out of it because I wasn't "with it" all the time if that makes any sense. Mentally, I was in another world.

Grace. It seemed to be the overall theme of my time with him. He's afforded so much grace to me and his word tells me that the grace I've been given I should extend. How do you extend grace when your entire world seems broken, or when you've been wronged, or how about when you just plain old don't feel like it? But, that's grace. It's not something earned. It's not something we deserve. Truthfully, it's not something we even have to accept. It's a gift given, period. When I least deserve it, there he is constantly extending his hand of mercy and grace. If I believe him and he truly lives within me and I am truly his, grace should just pour out of me. Yet, somewhere within me lies a selfish, right demanding person who shows her true colors far more than I'd like. And there it is, still, this grace.

The most fearful words I could write at this time are these: he's calling me to live a life of grace. Ouch! That means I have to forfeit "my rights," make room for those around me who don't do things the way I think they should or want them to, accept people for who they are - God's children. There's that old saying about "rose colored glasses," what if I skipped the glasses and viewed everyone I encounter through God's eyes. Hmmmmm . . .

What about the family at the pool who to be honest "grossed me out!" I watched and watched them trying to figure them out and all I kept seeing were people with bad hygiene, no manners, and broken spirits. It took me 2 days to offer a word of encouragement because I was too busy worrying about their exterior. Yet, something inside me was drawn to them. And, when I gave way to that pull all I could see was pain and heartache pouring out. The most amazing thing happened though. When I made a simple gesture of kindness, this saddened, hurting lady turned to me with a smile and offered us any pool toy she had for the kids. How crazy is that? Here I was dealing with the "yuck" factor and how to make sure all our toys made it back with us and didn't end up in their pile and here she was, hurting, obviously not well-off, offering us anything she had simply because I made a polite gesture which cost me nothing. So for MA and her family I am still praying that God would intervene on their lives in an extraordinary way and bring Spiritual healing and restoration to them, and to her specifically I will be ever grateful for she was God's life example of the lessons he was teaching me that week.