Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A New Day

Today was Hudson's "due date". Though he was to be scheduled for c-section around the 10th of June, today was his actual due date. I've been caught off-guard at my display of emotion these past couple of days. I thought the hardest time would have been around the 10th so I sent out a "prayer email" to a group of ladies and my husband requesting them to uplift us during that time. What I neglected to do was to ask for prayer this week. Why? Because I so gratefully felt the prayers of my Spiritual sojourners the first part of this month I didn't take the time to Spiritually prepare for this weeks heartache.

Why is it that we know the time is coming yet we do nothing to prepare ourselves? I once had that question posed to me through a Bible Study and I remember vowing that from then on I would do my best to prepare. Yet, here I go again, blind-sided by what I should have been expecting. Sure, I have every right to be emotional and that's what happens with grief. But, I could and should have been prepared for it. Instead, I was worn-out by my recent travels and responsibilities and when I awakened yesterday with a heart filled with grief I was so taken back that I spent a good part of my day trying to figure out how I could have "forgotten" that day was coming.

Well, today is a new day! I love my son and his memory and I want to share with you the most treasured memory I have of him . . . he looked just like his father! My handsome, beautiful husband's image was recreated in this little life I had the privilege to carry for 21 weeks. Sure, he was his own unique little self, but there is no question who his daddy is because he looked so much like him.

Does that ring a bell? That's each of our stories! We are all created in the image of our Heavenly Father. And yet, we have individual characteristics that differentiate each of us from the other. On this June 24, 2008 I pose to you the question, are you making a positive Spiritual impact on those around you? Because what they see in and through you is their 1st hand look at our Father. May our lives reflect Him in a manner for which he is worthy.

Today is a new day. I will remember to prepare my life each day for those unexpected (which should be expected) times in which I truly need to reflect Him and reflect on Him.

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