Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fall and Fun

We've had such a great time these last few weeks enjoying the return of Autumn. Caroline is discovering the beauty of the earth as we watch the leaves turning colors and the gorgeos sky that God has painted for us. We've taken trips to see family and spent time with friends and done a little work here and there.

Caroline is thoroughly enjoying her "big girl room" as we've moved all her toys into her room and the bonus room. She disappears from time to time and I can hear her through the monitor talking to her dolls and stuffed animals. It really is amazing to listen to her conversations with them. Sometimes it is embarrassing because I hear myself coming out of her mouth and other times it is just down right hysterical. She is such a sweet natured child that disciplining her is becoming harder and harder. For example: a couple of days ago I heard her playing with her portable DVD player and told her to leave it alone because she was being to rough and it was going to break. And of course that's what happened. She broke the lid off at the hinges. While it still works with some fenagling, I had to address the fact that she disobeyed. I said, "Caroline, I told you to leave it alone and you disobeyed me." She replied as loud and dramatic as she could, "Yes! You did and I disobeyed and broke it. I did. I disobeyed and now it is broked and we can't use it. I sorry, Mommy, I'm not supposed to disobey. That's bad, I know! I sorry." Let me just tell you I almost fell out on the floor laughing. Her discipline? I took it away to save it for car trips. Today she spent about 15 minutes walking through the house trying to find it, "Is my DVD in here, Mommy?"

Art and I are celebrating some new found freedoms and I'm enjoying the fact that his birthday is this weekend. Anyone who knows me knows that I love special days. I got him a very special gift which took me a couple of weeks to work out, but he's loving it and I'm thankful. God has been so good to us and we know now more than ever that everything we have and are is only because of Him. We pray that we will be good stewards of His gifts.

Remember, no matter who is elected president next month God is still Lord of all!

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